Bible study
Each week you will read and journal a chapter in the Bible with the other group members. The group setting provides accountability for the regular Bible reading you have wanted to do.
You will discover that the Empowerment approach removes your fears and places you on a path toward spiritual leadership. Yes, we said “spiritual leadership.” Deep in our hearts we realize that obligation for our marriages and families, but just don’t know where to begin. No one ever trained in this lost art. The simplicity of Empowerment will help change that for you. Here are some life-changing outcomes you will discover:
Empowerment uses a small group discussion model:
Empowerment groups share a common method for journaling that provides familiarity and a comfort level to the participants. Each week we get better at journaling as we learn from each other. Our journaling uses the simple S.O.A.P. method…
S ~ Scripture: After reading the assigned passage, you choose a verse that stands out or is meaningful to you. You actually write the verse out after the letter “S.” You will discover that this is more than a manual exercise; it guides your mind and heart into greater understanding.
O ~ Observation: Then you record the factual observations you see in the verse. The goal is to uncover the biblical truth from the actual words in the Bible. You are simply recording what God is saying in the verse. This process is not about opinions or suggestions, but just the facts. Do you remember Dragnet? “Just the facts, ma’am.”
A ~ Application: If God has said what you observed in the verse, then what are the implications for your life. How could or should you apply that truth. Our desire is to put shoe leather to our faith so that it changes us. This step is critical to reposition us as followers of the Lord. The key is to be personal and practical.
P ~ Prayer: You conclude by writing a brief prayer of commitment based on the truth in your verse. Let the Lord know what you desire or plan to do as you walk out the door into your life.
Just as soap cleanses the body, our prayer is that this process will help us cleanse our lives as we seek to honor God and radiate his love to others.
Since nothing happens without leadership, key leadership roles are necessary to bring Empowerment to life? Here are three critical roles in this ministry:
The Welcome: Help the group feel comfortable.
Empowerment Question #1: Who wants to go first?
Champion each journal
Empowerment Question #2: What is your personal take-away?
Closing: Build the bond of oneness with prayer and planning.
Tips for Success