“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5

Reflections: When There Are No Answers
Have you ever felt that God’s silence was deafening? Your difficult situation screams questions for which you have no answers. Friends hear your story; give you a hopeful smile but walk away as confused as you. Your head and heart spin with fears and feelings longing to penetrate the quietness of heaven.
In this verse is James playing “Joe-positive” or is it really true? Will God give us wisdom if we simply ask and even give it generously? It boggles the imagination. If God did speak his wisdom to us, how would he do it and how would we hear?
I believe that the answer is sitting on many shelves collecting dust, the Bible. When we read those holy words, the breath of God blows his knowledge and wisdom into our souls providing fodder for the Holy Spirit to guide and nudge us. It’s simple: no Bible, no wisdom.
Too often, confusion flows from our failure to know God’s truth. Since we don’t devour God’s Word, we are devoured by our problems. God gets accused of silence when in reality we are the ones not listening. He must be the frustrated one.
Do you understand the potential inherent in Bible reading? Just like eating a meal, it begins to nourish and shape your inner person creating a filter of truth helping your better understand your world and God’s ways. Then, when life slaps you in the face, you are equipped to see through the problems to God’s wonderful purpose.
Does that mean you will have all your questions answered? No, just ask Job who followed his God while in the dark. Like James, he realized that the Lord promises wisdom not answers. The God of heaven will guide you through his Word to know how to deal with the questions of life beyond your control. It’s a firm promise, but it comes through knowing and following his truth.
An overlooked hope in this verse is that God does not find fault with us when we have our questions. He welcomes questions because they drive us to the Scriptures that unfold his wisdom and person. That’s when we glean the ultimate answer that God is still on his throne. So, feel free to ask away but don’t forget to listen.
Posted in Suffering on March 22, 2018 by Ron Gannett